Residential Photovoltaic

Residential Photovoltaics

A homeowner with a $200.00 monthly electric bill will pay approximately $80,000.00 in energy costs to HECO over 20 years.

For a fraction of that cost, you can own a photovoltaic system that can reduce or even eliminate your monthly bill (although you will still pay a meter charge).

A Boss Enertech residential photovoltaic system is designed and installed with the same care and attention to detail as our commercial systems. We start by taking time to understand your energy saving goals and budget. We then analyze your electrical load and system, inspect your roof, and consider local weather conditions, and other factors. We then process this information to engineer a solution suited for your needs and develop a detailed proposal for your consideration.

Installations are performed by our own technicians, for better quality assurance. These technicians are all drug tested, safety trained, and understand the quality work ethic of Boss Enertech.

We coordinate and process all City permitting, inspection, and HECO meter change applications for you. After a final quality assurance inspection, your system is energized. You now have a high quality, robust photovoltaic system that will save you money every day the sun shines.

This trending chart summarizes the current and possible future residential photovoltaic incentives. Up arrows indicate positive incentive trends, down arrows negative trends, and horizontal arrows, neutral conditions. This chart is only our best prediction of future trends, as tax and utility policy developments are difficult to predict.

Present 2014 to 2016
Highest electricity costs in U.S.
State Tax credit 35% May decrease 2014-16
Federal Tax credit 30% Expires 12/31/2016
PV module costs decline
HECO circuit capacity limitations